"The centralised vacuum system is equipped with two self-cleaning filters to protect the pump, which alternately serve the process [...] Both dosing systems are installed on a mezzanine accessible on three levels [...] The dosing system for the main extruder, with a maximum flow rate of 1,600 kg/h, is fed by 6 components. Since no component exceeds 50% of the total flow rate, all components are dosed via screw feeder [...] The dosing system for the coextruder, with a maximum throughput of 800 kg/h, is fed by 4 components, all in the form of pellets [...] The side trimmings are added to the main extruder via a rotary valve coming directly from the granulator through a cyclone filter [...]

The entire material handling system is controlled by a PLC Siemens that:

Sustainable innovation in PP and PS sheet production


  • manages the pumps to generate the vacuum according to the indications provided by the various sensors;
  • manages gravimetric dosing systems and receivers according to preset recipe [...] "

FDM GmbH Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

Junkersring 24, D-53844 Troisdorf, Germany

P: +49 22 412660600

F: +49 22 412660611

E: mail.fdm@fdm.piovan.com

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