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+39 041 57 99 111

"Continuous material flow can cause abrasion and lead to accelerated wear at pipeline bends, requiring frequent maintenance or replacement and causing production downtime, material loss and potential metal contamination of the conveyed raw materials [...]



  • Steel bends with specific surface treatments
  • Elbow bends with unique geometries [...]

Conveying can generate considerable amounts of dust and angel hair. [...] Conveying abrasive material can lead to the formation of metal particles due to pipe erosion.



  • The use of inverter-driven pumps enables precise vacuum modulation [...]"

Case study

At a customer's plant that conveys glass-fibre-reinforced plastic granules (a notoriously abrasive material), Piovan recommended glass bends, which [...]

Do you have an unresolved conveying issue? Do you need to test a specific material?

At its HQ in S. Maria di Sala (Venice – Italy), Piovan has developed and installed a pneumatic conveying system to test various materials, replicate issues encountered by others and identify the best solutions even for the most challenging materials.


Piovan HQ

Via delle Industrie 16, Santa Maria di Sala (VE), 30036, Italy

P: +39 041 57 99 111

F: +39 041 57 99 228

E: sales@piovan.com

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