Producing with rPET

During its processing, rPET can release contaminants from its previous life. Piovan solutions minimise their impact on end products and the production line.

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Solutions for working with rPET

Main benefits

Production line preservation

Entrap oils or contaminants in general with PureTech filters or the Condenso condensing unit.

Prevent process instability due to variable rPET batches by means of AIPC (Automatic Injection
Pressure Control).

Process stability

Avoid the presence of contaminants and prove it thanks to the Inspecta analyser and the Winfactory 4.0 monitoring system.

Contaminant-free products


Via delle Industrie 16 – 30036 S. Maria di Sala VE - Italy

Phone: +39 041 5799111

Fax: +39 041 5799244
